CARBUnn Ni-NTA Resin


2-8° C (20% ethanol)


  • CARBUnn Ni-NTA Resin
  • Affinity Chromatographic Column (6ml)
  • CARBUnn Ni-NTA Resin
    CB4P101-01 5 ml
    CB4P101-02 25 ml
    CARBUnn Ni-NTA Resin allows rapid affinity purification of His-tagged proteins, so that the His-tagged proteins are combined to the Ni-NTA purification medium, and the uncombined proteins are eluted. The 2+ His-tagged proteins bind to Ni cations, which are immobilized on the Ni-NTA resin by 4 metal-chelating sites. The protein combined to the medium is gently eluted with a certain concentration of imidazole or low pH buffer, so that, the target proteins are recovered by gradient elution. This product has the advantages of large adsorption capacity, good selectivity, strong permeability, and easy for regeneration. The resin can be used for both native and denatured protein purification.
    Resin Specifications
    Resin Cross-linked 6% agarose
    Ligand NTA
    Shape sphere
    Pore size 45~165 μm
    Binding capacity 10-20 mg protein / ml wet gel
    Recommended flow rate <300 cm/h
    Highest resistance of atmospheric pressure 0.3 Mpa
    pH stability 3-13

    2-8° C (20% ethanol)


  • CARBUnn Ni-NTA Resin
  • Affinity Chromatographic Column (6ml)
  • CARBUnn Ni-IDA Resin
    CB4P111-01 5 ml
    CB4P111-02 25 ml
    CARBUnn Ni-IDA Resin allows rapid affinity purification of His-tagged proteins,So that the His-tagged proteins are combined to the Ni-NTA purification medium, and the uncombined proteins are eluted.The Histagged proteins bind to Ni2+ cations, which are immobilized on the NiIDA resin by 3 metal-chelating sites. The protein combined to the medium is gently eluted with a certain concentration of imidazole or low pH buffer, so that the target proteins are recovered by gradient elution. This product has the advantages of large adsorption capacity, good selectivity, strong permeability,and easy for regeneration.The resin can be used for both native and denatured protein purification.
    Resin Specifications
    Resin Cross-linked 6% agarose
    Ligand IDA
    Shape sphere
    Pore size 90 μm
    Binding capacity 20-40 mg protein / ml wet gel
    Recommended flow rate <300 cm/h
    Highest resistance of atmospheric pressure 0.3 Mpa
    pH stability 2~14

    2-8° C (20% ethanol)


  • CARBUnn GST Resin
  • Affinity Chromatographic Column (6ml)
  • CARBUnn GST Resin
    CB4P201-01 10 ml
    This product is an affinity chromatography medium with glutathione as ligand and agarose as matrix ,CARBUnn GST Resin allows rapid affinity purification of GST-tagged proteins. It can be eluted with reduced glutathione under mild, non-denaturing conditions, maintaining the antigenic activity and function of the protein during the purification process, and it is suitable for purifying GST-tagged protein and glutathione S-transferase or glutathione-dependent protein.
    Resin Specifications
    Resin Cross-linked 4% agarose
    Ligand glutathione
    Shape sphere
    Pore size 90 μm
    Ligand density 8 mg GSH/ml wet gel
    Dynamic binding capacity 10-12 mg GST fusion protein / ml wet gel (MW 42 kDa)
    Maximum flow rate (25 C) 450 cm/h
    Recommended flow rate <150 cm/h
    Highest resistance of atmospheric pressure 0.3 Mpa
    pH stability 3~10
    Chemical stability Stable in commonly used water-soluble buffers, stable in 70% ethnol,30% isopropanol, 6M guanidine hydrochloride, 1M acetic acid (pH4.0)
    Physical stability The pH or ionic strength of the solution affects the volume change rate of the medium < 2%
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