CARBUnn Protein A/G Resin


2-8° C (20% ethanol)


CARBUnn Protein G Resin Affinity Chromatographic Column (6ml)

CARBUnn Protein A/G Resin
CB4P501-01 1 ml

CARBUnn Protein A/G Resin is an affinity chromatography medium with recombinant protein A/G ligands immobilized to cross-linked agarose support, which can efficiently and specifically bind to the Fc regions of immunoglobulins.

It combines the immunoglobulin binding profiles of both Protein A and Protein G and shows better binding capacities for immunoglobulins from different sources and subclasses. CARBUnn Protein A/G Resin is suitable for the isolation of immune complexes, such as IP, Co-IP, etc.
Resin Specifications
Support 4% cross-linked agarose
Ligand Protein A/G
Shape Sphere
Average particle size 90 μm (45-165)
Ligand density 5 mg Protein A/G/ml wet gel
Dynamic binding capacity 35-40 mg h-IgG/ml wet gel
Maximum Linear Velocity (25°C) 300 cm/h
Recommended Linear Velocity <150 cm/h
Maximum pressure 0.3 Mpa
pH stability 3~10

2-8° C

QuikView Western Blot Kit
CT4W101-01 100 ml
CT4W101-02 200 ml
QuikView Western Blot Kit uses lumino-based system and optimized enhancer to detect horseradish peroxidase HRP-conjugated antibodies and the corresponding antigens
  • High sensitivity.
  • Easy to use
  • High stability
Kit Contents
Component CT4W101-01 CT4W101-02
WB Solution A 50 ml 100 ml
WB Solution B 50 ml 100 ml

2-8° C

QuikView Super Western Blot Kit
CT4W101-01 100 ml
CT4W101-02 200 ml
QuikView Super Western Blot Kit uses enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescence for the detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated antibodies and the corresponding antigens. Compared with the QuikView Western Blot Kit, it is more suitable for the detection of low-abundance proteins.High sensitivity.
  • High sensitivity, enabling the detection of picogram amounts of samples.
  • Easy to use, High stability.
Kit Contents
Component CT4W101-01 CT4W101-02
Super WB Solution A 50 ml 100 ml
Super WB Solution B 50 ml 100 ml
Operation Flow Chart

2-8° C


-20° C

Quik Protein Quantitative Kit (Bradford)
CT4Q101-01 100 ml
Bradford protein quantification method, the principle is that under acidic conditions, the combination of Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 and protein produces a special blue color, the maximum absorption wavelength is at 595 nm, the color reaction can be completed within 5- 10 minutes, and the most stable within 20 minutes , the measurement effect is the best. The protein content can thus be determined rapidly within minutes by colorimetric analysis. In contrast to other protein quantification methods (such as Lowry’s method), this method measures protein concentration independent of chemicals in the sample.
Kit Contents
Component CT4W101-01
Coomassie Brilliant Blue Solution 100 ml
BSA Standard Solution(0.22 mg/ml 4×1ml
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