QuikScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA
QuikScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal)
CT1E341-02 | 100 rxns x 20 μl |
CT1E341-03 | 500 rxns x 20 μl |
-20° C
5×QuikScript All-in-One SuperMix for qPCR provides all the necessary reagents for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA (including 5×QuikScript RT, RNase Inhibitor, Anchored Oligo (dT)18 Primer, Random Primer 18 (N9), dNTPs, Buffer). It is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by only adding gDNA remover, RNA template and H2O for efficient first-strand cDNA synthesis. Simultaneously, residual genomic DNA from RNA template can be removed. 5×QuikScript All-in-One No-RT Control SuperMix for qPCR is supplied to prepare no-reverse Transcriptase (RT) control, which is used to assess if the qPCR template is contaminated with genomic DNA. This product is capable of minimizing contamination during operation with a simple workflow. The resulting cDNA is only suitable for qPCR, not for regular PCR.