MetaScript First-Strand cDNA Synthesis
MetaScript First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix
CT1T301-02 | 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1T301-03 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
-20° C
MetaScript First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix contains enzymes, dNTP, and buffer for cDNA synthesis from total RNAor mRNA.
MetaScript One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix
CT1T311-02 | 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1T311-03 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1T311-04 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
-20° C
Unique genomic DNA remover is combined with MetaScript First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix to achieve simultaneous genomic DNA removal and cDNA synthesis. After cDNA synthesis, gDNA remover and reverse Transcriptase are inactivated by heating at 85° C for 5 seconds.
MetaScript Hi First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix
CT1F301-02 | 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1F301-03 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
-20° C
MetaScript Hi RT is generated by site mutations. It provides high affinity to RNA template with Speed extension rate. The cDNA is efficiently synthesized by MetaScript Hi RT/RI Enzyme Mix and 2×MS Hi Reaction Mix. The entire reverse Transcription can be completed within 5 minutes.
MetaScript-Uni One-Step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis SuperMix
CT1U311-02 | 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1U311-03 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
-20° C
MetaScript-Uni RT is an improved version of M-MLV reverse Transcriptase with broad range of reaction temperature (42° C-65° C) and higher thermostability. The suggested reaction temperature is 50 C. The SuperMix contains reagents for simultaneous genomic DNA removal and cDNA synthesis. After cDNA synthesis, gDNA remover and reverse Transcriptase are inactivated by heating at 85° C for 5 seconds.