MetaScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA

MetaScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR
CT1T321-01 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
-20° C
MetaScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR contains enzymes, dNTP, and buffer for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA. The SuperMix is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by adding RNAand H2O.
  • One-tube format for simple and Speed setup and reducing pipetting variability.
  • The optimal ratio of oligo(dT)18 primer to random primer(N9) for PCR-ready cDNA.
  • PCR-ready cDNAin 30 minutes (unsuitable for qPCR).
  • cDNAup to 12 kb.
  • The resulting cDNA are suitable for regular PCR, not for qPCR.
  • Multiple copy and low copy gene detection
MetaScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal)
CT1T341-01 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1T341-02 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1T341-03 500 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
-20° C
MetaScript All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal) contains enzymes, dNTP, and buffer for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA. The SuperMix is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by adding gDNA remover, RNA and H2O. Simultaneous genomic DNA removal and cDNAsynthesis are performed. After cDNAsynthesis, gDNA remover and reverse Transcriptase are inactivated by heating at 85° C for 5 seconds
  • Simultaneous genomic DNAremoval and cDNAsynthesis.
  • The optimal ratio of oligo(dT)18 primer to random primer(N9) for qPCR-ready cDNA.
  • qPCR-ready cDNAin 15 minutes (unsuitable for PCR).
  • cDNAup to 250 bp.
  • Multiple copy and low copy gene detection
MetaScript II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR
CT1H321-01 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
-20° C
MetaScript II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for PCR contains enzymes, dNTP, and buffer for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA. The SuperMix is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by adding RNAand H2O.
  • One-tube format for simple and Speed setup and reduced pipetting variability.
  • The optimal ratio of oligo(dT)20 primer to random primer(N9) for PCR-ready cDNA.
  • PCR-ready cDNAin 30 minutes (unsuitable for qPCR).
  • cDNAup to 15 kb.
  • cDNAlibrary construction, 3’ and 5’RACE
  • Multiple copy and low copy gene detection
  • GC-rich or complex secondary structure RNA template
MetaScript II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal)
CT1H341-01 50 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
-20° C
MetaScript II All-in-One First-Strand cDNA Synthesis SuperMix for qPCR (One-Step gDNA Removal) contains enzymes, dNTP, and buffer for cDNA synthesis from total RNA or mRNA. The SuperMix is provided at 5× concentration and used at 1× concentration by adding gDNA remover, RNA and H2O. Simultaneous genomic DNA removal and cDNAsynthesis are performed. After cDNAsynthesis, gDNA remover and reverse Transcriptase are inactivated by heating at 85°C for 5 seconds.
  • Simultaneous genomic DNAremoval and cDNA synthesis.
  • The optimal ratio of Oligo(dT)20 Primer to random primer(N9) for qPCR-ready cDNA.
  • qPCR-ready cDNAin 15 minutes (unsuitable for PCR).
  • cDNAup to 250 bp.
  • Multiple copy and low copy gene detection
  • GC-rich or complex secondary structure RNAtemplate
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