MetaScript Probe qRT-PCR SuperMix
MetaScript Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix
CT1Q221-01 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1Q221-02 | 400 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
MetaScript Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix combines the firststrand cDNA synthesis and qPCR in the same tube to simplify
reaction setup and reduce the possibility of contamination. Only
gene specific primers can be used for this kit. MetaScript Probe
One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix contains all the necessary reagents
for cDNA synthesis and qPCR except probe, total RNA/mRNA
template and gene specific primers.
PCR condions (two-step)

MetaScript II Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix
CT1Q321-01 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1Q321-02 | 400 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
MetaScript II Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix combines the
first- strand cDNAsynthesis and qPCR in the same tube to simplify
reaction setup and reduce the possibility of contamination. Only
gene specific primers can be used for this kit. MetaScript II Probe
One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix contains all the necessary reagents
for cDNA synthesis and qPCR except probe, total RNA/mRNA
template and gene specific primers.
Thermal cycling condions (two-step)

MetaScript II Multiplex Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix UDG
CT1Q322-01 | 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
CT1Q322-02 | 400 rxns (20 μl per reaction) |
MetaScript II Multiplex Probe One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix UDG is
designed for one-step qRT-PCR with high sensitivity, high
synthesis efficiency and high amplification efficiency. This kit
firstly synthesizes first-strand cDNA with RNA as templates using
reverse gene-specific primers, and then performs qPCR with the
synthesized cDNA as templates using both forward and reverse
gene-specific primers and fluorescent probes to achieve one step
from reverse Transcription to qPCR in a single tube. After special
optimization, this kit enables consistently amplifying multiple
targets in a single reaction ensuring multiplex one-step RT-qPCR.
dUTP/ UDG is included in the kit to degrade dU-containing ssDNA
and dsDNA, which can prevent cross contamination.
Thermal cycling condions (two-step)