MetaTaq DNAPolymerase

MetaTaq-T DNAPolymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P122-01 250 units
CT1P122-02 500 units
CT1P122-03 6x500 units
dNTPs (2.5 mM) CT1P122-11 250 units
CT1P122-12 500 units
CT1P122-13 6x500 units
5 units/μl
  • Meta Taq-T DNA Polymerase
  • 10×Meta Taq-T Buffer(200 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.4; 100 mM KCl;100 mM (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ; 20 mM MgSO 4 ;etc.)
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaTaq-T DNA Polymerase is a mixture of QuikTaq DNA Polymerase with a proofreading 3′-5′ exonuclease. The fidelity is equal to QuikPfu DNA Polymerase. The yield is equal to that from QuikTaq DNA Polymerase. It is suitable for high fidelity TA cloning.
  • Fidelity is 18-fold higher than QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • Extension rate is about 1-2 kb/min.
  • Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3’ end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pQuik-T vectors.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 8 kb.
  • Complex templates
  • TAcloning
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaTaq-T DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acid- o precipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
Thermal cycling condions
MetaTaq DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (HiFi)
dNTPs-free CT1P131-01 250 units
CT1P131-02 500 units
CT1P131-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P131-11 250 units
CT1P131-12 500 units
CT1P131-13 6x500 units
5 units/μl
  • MetaTaq HiFi DNA Polymerase
  • 10×MetaTaq HiFi Buffer I, II (200 mM Tris-HCl pH 9.0; 100 mM KCl; 100 mM (NH4 )2 SO4 ; 20 mM MgSO4; 10% glycerol; etc.)
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaTaq DNA Polymerase High Fidelity (MetaTaq HiFi DNA Polymerase) contains MetaTaq-T DNA Polymerase and a proofreading 3’-5’ exonuclease. MetaTaq HiFi DNA Polymerase provides higher specificity and higher amplification efficiency than MetaTaq-T DNA Polymerase. Two different buffers are provided in the kit. MetaTaq HiFi Buffer I is optimized for the amplification of genomic DNA and MetaTaq HiFi Buffer II is optimized for the amplification of λDNA, cDNAor plasmid DNA.
  • Fidelity is 18-fold higher than QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • Extension rate is about 1-2 kb/min.
  • Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3' end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pQUIK-T vectors.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
  • Complex templates
  • GC/AT rich templates
  • Long PCR
  • High yield PCR
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaTaq HiFi DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acid-precipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
Thermal cycling condions
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