MetaPrime DNA Polymerase

MetaPrime Taq DNA Polymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P141-01 250 units
CT1P141-02 500 units
CT1P141-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P141-11 250 units
CT1P141-12 500 units
CT1P141-13 6x500 units
2.5 units/μl
  • Meta Prime Ta q D N A Polymerase
  • 10×MetaPrime Taq Buffer (500 mM Tris-HCl pH 9.0; 200 mM (NH4 )2 SO4 ; 20 mM MgSO4; 10% glycerol; etc.)
GC Enhancer
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaPrime Taq DNA Polymerase is a hot Prime Taq DNA polymerase containing Taq DNA polymerase and two proprietary DNA binding proteins. At room temperature, one binding protein binds to doublestrand DNA template and another binding protein binds to primer. These unique formulations effectively neutralize the DNA polymerase activity at room temperature. Blocking proteins are released from templates and primers during the initial denaturation. This double blocking method has higher efficiency than antibody based, or chemically modified hot Prime PCR.
  • Fidelity is 18-fold higher than QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • Extension rate is about 1-2 kb/min.
  • Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3' end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pQUIK-T vectors.
  • Reduced nonspecific amplification and primer dimer formation.
  • Different from Taq antibody, no risk of contamination from mammalian DNA.
  • Different from chemical modification, long denaturing step is not needed.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15kb.
  • Complex templates
  • GC/AT rich templates
  • Long PCR
  • High yield PCR
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaPrime Taq DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acid-precipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
Thermal cycling condions
MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P151-01 250 units
CT1P151-02 500 units
CT1P151-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P151-11 250 units
CT1P151-12 500 units
CT1P151-13 6x500 units
2.5 units/μl
  • MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase
  • 10×MetaPrime TopTaq Buffer (500 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0); 200 mM (NH4 )2 SO4 ; 20 mM MgSO4; 10% glycerol etc.)
GC Enhancer
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase is an engineered version of Taq DNA Polymerase combined with MetaPrime technique. One binding protein binds to double-strand DNA template, preventing polymerase activity at room temperature. Other two binding proteins bind primers, preventing primer-dimer formation. Blocking proteins are released from primers and templates during the initial denaturation. This double blocking method has higher efficiency than antibody based, or chemically modified hot Prime PCR.
  • Compared with MetaPrime Taq DNA Polymerase, MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase has higher amplification efficiency, specificity and sensitivity.
  • Fidelity is 18-fold higher than QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • The specificity is higher than antibody based or chemically modified hot Prime DNApolymerases.
  • Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3’ end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pQUIK-T vectors.
  • Reduced nonspecific amplification and primer dimer formation.
  • Different from Taq antibody, no risk of contamination from mammalian DNA.
  • Different from chemical modification, long denaturing step is not needed.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase is an engineered version of Taq DNA Polymerase combined with MetaPrime technique. One binding protein binds to double-strand DNA template, preventing polymerase activity at room temperature. Other two binding proteins bind primers, preventing primer-dimer formation. Blocking proteins are released from primers and templates during the initial denaturation. This double blocking method has higher efficiency than antibody based, or chemically modified hot Prime PCR.
  • Compared with MetaPrime Taq DNA Polymerase, MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase has higher amplification efficiency, specificity and sensitivity.
  • Fidelity is 18-fold higher than QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • The specificity is higher than antibody based or chemically modified hot Prime DNApolymerases.
  • Template-independent “A” can be generated at the 3’ end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pQUIK-T vectors.
  • Reduced nonspecific amplification and primer dimer formation.
  • Different from Taq antibody, no risk of contamination from mammalian DNA.
  • Different from chemical modification, long denaturing step is not needed.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
  • Complex templates
  • GC/AT rich templates
  • Long PCR
  • High yield PCR
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaPrime TopTaq DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acidprecipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
Thermal cycling condions
MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P221-01 250 units
CT1P221-02 500 units
CT1P221-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P221-11 250 units
CT1P221-12 500 units
CT1P221-13 6x500 units
5 units/μl
  • MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase
  • 5×MetaPrime SpeedPfu Buffer
  • 2.5 mM dNTPs
  • 50 mM MgSO4
  • PCR Stimulant
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase is a Speed, high fidelity and high processivity hot Prime DNA polymerase.
  • Extension rate is about 2-4 kb/min.
  • MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase offers 54 fold fidelity as compared to QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • PCR products can be directly cloned into pQuikBlunt vectors.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
  • Amplification of plasmid DNA fragment up to 20 kb.
  • Extension rate is about 2-4 kb/min.
  • High fidelity PCR
  • High yield and Speed PCR
  • Blunt end cloning
  • Site-directed mutagenesis
  • Complex templates
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acid-precipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P231-01 250 units
CT1P231-02 500 units
CT1P231-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P231-11 250 units
CT1P231-12 500 units
CT1P231-13 6x500 units
2.5 units/μl
  • MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase
  • 5×MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu Buffer
  • 2.5 mM dNTPs
  • 50 mM MgSO4
  • PCR Stimulant
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNAPolymerase is a hot Prime, high fidelity and high processivity DNA Polymerase. MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase has an extension rate of up to 6 kb/min. Compared with MetaPrime SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase, MetaPrime HiSpeedPfu DNA Polymerase has higher extension rate, higher fidelity, and higher amplification efficiency.
  • MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase offers 108-fold fidelity as compared to QuikTaq DNA Polymerase.
  • Extension rate is about 2-6 kb/min.
  • PCR products can be directly cloned into pQuikBlunt vectors.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
  • Amplification of plasmid DNAfragment up to 20 kb.
  • High fidelity PCR
  • Blunt end cloning
  • Site-directed mutagenesis
Unit Definition
One unit of MetaPrime Hi-SpeedPfu DNA Polymerase incorporates 10 nmol of deoxyribonucleotide into acidprecipitable material in 30 minutes at 74° C.
MetaPrime KD Plus DNA Polymerase
dNTPs-free CT1P301-01 250 units
CT1P301-02 500 units
CT1P301-03 6x500 units
dNTPs(2.5 mM) CT1P301-11 250 units
CT1P301-12 500 units
CT1P301-13 6x500 units
1 units/μl
  • MetaPrime KD Plus DNA Polymerase
  • 5×MetaPrime KD Plus Buffer
  • 2.5 mM dNTPs
  • 50 mM MgSO4
  • 6×DNA Loading Buffer
-20° C
MetaPrime KD Plus DNA Polymerase is a genetically modified high fidelity DNA polymerase. This enzyme provides higher amplification capability than traditional Pfu DNA polymerase and Speed amplification speed equal to Taq DNA polymerase (1kb/min). Due to strong 3’-5’ exonuclease activity, this enzyme offers 108-fold fidelity as compared to QuikTaq DNAPolymerase.
  • PCR products can be directly cloned into pQuikBlunt vectors.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 15 kb.
  • Amplification of plasmid DNA fragment up to 20 kb.
  • Speed, high specificity amplification
  • High fidelity, high yield amplification
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