MetaDirect PCR Kit

MetaDirect Animal Tissue PCR Kit
CT1D201-01 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1D201-02 500 rxns (20 μl per reaction)

-20° C

Thermal cycling condions
MetaDirect Animal Tissue PCR Kit uses a unique lysis buffer to lyse animal tissues (fresh or frozen) and blood. The resulting lysate without purification can be directly used as PCR template.
  • Direct amplification from unpurified lysate. Suitable for high throughput applications.
  • Suitable for mammalian cells, saliva, hair shaft, animal tissues and blood.
  • Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 3 kb.
MetaDirect Plant Tissue PCR Kit
CT1D301-01 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1D301-02 500 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
-20° C
room temperature
MetaDirect Plant Tissue PCR Kit uses a unique lysis buffer to lyse plant tissues (fresh or frozen). The resulting lysate without purification can be directly used as PCR template.
  • Direct amplification from unpurified lysate. Suitable for high throughput applications.
  • Amplification of genomic DNAfragment up to 2 kb.
Thermal cycling condions
MetaDirect Blood PCR Kit
CT1D401-01 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1D401-02 500 rxns (20 μl per reaction)

-20° C

Thermal cycling condions
MetaDirect Blood PCR Kit is designed for DNA amplification from whole blood without DNA extraction.
  • Fresh or frozen blood stored in EDTA, heparin or citric acid
  • Fresh or dried blood without anticoagulant
  • Human oral epithelial cells
  • Amplification of genomic DNAfragment up to 4 kb
MetaDirect Mouse Genotyping Kit
CT1D501-01 100 rxns (20 μl per reaction)
CT1D501-02 500 rxns (20 μl per reaction)

-20° C

Thermal cycling condions
MetaDirect Mouse Genotyping Kit uses a unique lysis buffer to prepare mouse genotyping PCR-ready DNA from fresh or frozen mouse tissue slices, such as mouse ears, toes and tails. The high-efficient 2×MetaDirect Mouse Genotyping SuperMix (+dye) can effectively suppress the inhibitory activities of the crude lysate for PCR amplification.
  • Direct PCR amplification from crude lysate
  • Suitable for PCR-based rapid mouse genotyping.
  • Quik-to-use and suitable for high-throughput applications.
  • Suitable for multiplex PCR with up to 5 pairs of primers.
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