CARBUnnEasy PCR Purification Kit


15-25° C

CARBUnnEasy PCR Purification Kit
CB5P101-01 50 rxns
CB5P101-02 200 rxns
CARBUnnEasy PCR Purification Kit uses a silica gel membrane spin column to specifically adsorb DNA, which can be used for PCR products, purification of enzyme digestion products, and can effectively remove impurities such as proteins, organic compounds, inorganic salt ions, and primers.
  • Purification of fragments ranging from 100 bp to 10 kb.
  • Fast purification in only 5 minutes.

15-25° C

CARBUnnEasy Quick Gel Extraction Kit
CB5G101-01 50 rxns
CB5G101-02 200 rxns
CARBUnnEasy Quick Gel Extraction Kit utilizes a silica gel membrane spin column to purify DNAfragments from TAE or TBE agarose gels. DNA purified by the kit can be used for various techniques including digestion, ligation, transformation, and sequencing.
  • Purification of fragments ranging from 100 bp to 10 kb.
  • Fast purification in only 20 minutes.
  • Color change indicates pH level is appropriate for DNA binding to column.
CARBUnnMag Size Selection DNA Beads II
CB5C411-01 1 ml
CB5C411-02 5 ml
CB5C411-03 60 ml
CB5C411-04 450 ml

2-8° C

This kit is designed based on the technology of Solid Phase Reverse Immobilization (SPRI). It can be used for DNA purification, DNA concentration, and size selection of DNA fragments in the process of next generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation, which is compatible with mainstream library preparation kits.
DNA Fragment Sorting
bp 190~220 220~250 250~300 300~400 400~500 500~600 600~750
(DNA Beads:DNA) 1.0× 0.9× 0.80× 0.70× 0.60× 0.55× 0.50×
(DNA Beads:DNA) 0.20× 0.20× 0.20× 0.20× 0.15× 0.15× 0.15×
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