CT7F101-01 1 ml
500 mM
-20° C
Isopropylthio-β-galactoside (IPTG) is an effective inducer, which cannot be metabolized by bacteria and therefore remains constant. It functions as an inducer of galactosidase activity. Based on the principle of α-complementation of the β-galactosidase gene, recombinants generated from strains containing lacZΔM15 mutation and plasmids containing the α-complementation cloning MCS, can be identified by white coloration of cells grown in plates containing an IPTG and X-gal.It is also used as an inducer of protein expression in T7, T7lac or tac promoter -regulated expression vectors.
CT7F201-01 1 ml
20 mg/ml
-20° C
X-gal is a colorless substrate of β-galactosidase which hydrolyzes X-gal to yield an intense blue precipitate. It is commonly used with IPTG (CT7F101) to detect βgalactosidase activity in cloning applications for blue/white screening to differentiate recombinants from non-recombinants.
CT7G101-01 1 ml
100 mg/ml
-20° C
Ampicillin is a derivative of penicillin, which interferes with bacterial cell-wall synthesis to kill the growing cells. Its resistance relies mainly on the specific expression of periphery β-lactamases by the resistance gene (bla). This enzyme can hydrolyze the β-lactam ring and thus inactivate the antibiotics. Working concentration: 20 μg/ml for stringent plasmids; 60 μg/ml for relaxed plasmids.
CT7G201-01 1 ml
50 mg/ml
-20° C
Kanamycin is an antibiotic which binds the 30s ribosomal subunit, causing misreading of the mRNAsequence and inhibition of protein synthesis. Its resistance is mainly conferred by specific expression of aminoglycoside phosphotransferase from the kanamycin-resistant gene (Kan), which modifies the antibiotic and inhibits the binding with ribosome.Working concentration: 10 μg/ml for stringent plasmids; 50 μg/ml for relaxed plasmids.
CT7G301-01 1 ml
34 mg/ml
-20° C
Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic which inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit. The binding interferes with peptidyl transferase activity, thereby preventing transfer of amino acids to the growing peptide chains and blocks peptide bond formation. As a result bacterial protein synthesis is blocked and impedes bacterial cell proliferation. Its resistance is mainly due to the production of a specific inactivating chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) which inactivates the antibiotic by acetylation.
Rapid Mutagenesis System
CT6M111-01 10 rxns
CT6M111-01 20 rxns
-70° C
This kit uses 2×TransStart RapidPfu PCR SuperMix to amplify the methylated template plasmid, with mutation sites in partial overlaps designed in primers. The amplified product is digested with DMT restriction enzyme to remove the methylated template plasmid before transformation in a competent cell which can also digest methylated template plasmid. It features high mutation efficiency and simple operation.
Kit Contents
Component CT6M111-01 CT6M111-02
2×TransStartRapidPfu FlyPCR SuperMix 250 μl 500 μl
DMT Enzyme (10 units/μl) 10 μl 20 μl
DMT Chemically Competent Cell 10×50 μl 20×50 μl
Nuclease-free Water 1 ml 1 ml
Scontrol Plasmid (5 ng/μl) 10 μl 20 μl
Scontrol Primers (10 μM ) 10 μl 20 μl
Rapid MultiSite Mutagenesis System
CT6M201-01 10 rxns
50 mg/ml
-20° C
Rapid MultiSite Mutagenesis System is used for generating mutated PCR fragments by introducing mutation sites on overlapping regions. High fidelity TransStart RapidPfu Fly PCR SuperMix is included for amplification. This kit uses proprietary assembly mix and homologous recombination to seamlessly assemble up to six mutagenesis fragments.
  • Rapid: Fragments amplified with Rapid & high-fidelity 2×TransStart RapidPfu Fly PCR SuperMix; 15 minutes for recombination reaction.
  • Flexible: Enabling single or multi-site, continuous or discontinuous mutagenesis; at any site.
  • Efficient: >90% mutagenesis efficiency.
Kit Contents
Component CT6M111-01
2×TransStart RapidPfuPCR SuperMix 1 ml
DMT Enzyme (10 units/μl) 30 μl
2×Assembly Mix 50 μl
DMT Chemically Competent Cell 10×50 μl
Nuclease-free Water 1 ml
Applicable range
plasmid ≤ 20kb
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